
What is Evangelization and how does it involve you?
Evangelization means bringing the GOOD NEWS to all persons. It means sharing our experience of living the Gospel and walking with others in their efforts to do the same. Evangelization may be a call to ongoing spiritual growth and renewed conversion, or a call for reconciliation. It is the call to help others know Christ and thus experience a new life.
The Fellowship of Catholic Christian Women® (FCCW) ministry is committed to the evangelization of Our Lady of Guadalupe, which Pope John Paul II proclaimed the "model of evangelization" for the Americas in a prayer at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in January, 1979.
The spiritual life is a continuous process (journey) that begins at the time of our baptism. It is nurtured as we experience our everyday lives in union with Christ. When we gather together in community with others of faith, we fulfill Jesus' promise that "where two or more are gathered in my Name, there am I in their midst." (Matt 18:20) At the "Wisdom of Women" Conference following the National Conference of Catholic Bishops in Alexandria, Virginia in 1991, they noted, "WOMEN will have a vastly more important role in shaping SPIRITUALITY."

The Fellowship of Catholic Christian Women ministry seeks to help women grow in their faith and relationship with God. The task of evangelization does not rest just with the FCCW leadership; reaching out to others in a spirit of love and spiritual connection is each one's responsibility. Please consider how you might evangelize the GOOD NEWS through joining or beginning a Fellowship of Catholic Christian Women fellowship group in your own parish.
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